2004-12-07 @ 4:43 p.m.....

She will be doing a disappearing act soon. i've learned so much from her writing, i can't even adequately express it. i know that there are reasons for everything. i know that i found her for a reason. to learn what i have to learn.

so in an effort to keep those lessons handy, i have been canvasing her archives and came across this. it's amazing to me how much we have in common. not just me and her, but every single person here on earth. we have more in common, than we don't. you know?

i have always found that i can relate to anyone if i talk to them long enough. i guess that's what these journals are all about. we gain insight from others, all through the convenience of cyberspace....

anyway i was thinking recently, about my own personal LSAT mishap. and how my life would have been different if i had NOT slept through the test, thinking that it was the FOLLOWING WEEK. by this time i could be graduating law school in the spring. crazy. but i know that.... that was not my path. because this is my path. wherever i am at any given time, this will always be my path. because it is the path that i'm on.

there is more. there is so much more. it hurts me to know that someone as strong and beautiful as i think she is could be forced into hiding by someone with malintentions (is that even a word?).... but i'm still glad that i got a glimpse into her world before she vanished.

thank you

>>>>I forgot what I originally wanted to say.... that what i want to do with my life, what i hope to accomplish, is to leave my impression somewhere, somehow. i don't know that i want to be a celebrity or even famous.... just that i want to leave a piece of me, a word, a quote, an image, something - just an impression of me behind. maybe it will end up just being in the mind of someone else, but that would be fine by me. i thought about that, because you really did leave an impression on me. peace/

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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