Vale La Pena?

2004-09-10 @ 4:02 p.m.....

I don't know what type of a friend I am.

There was a time when I would put it all out there for any one of my friends. I would give anything for them without batting an eyelash.

But I wondered, sometimes, if they liked me for me. Or if they liked me for the great things I bestowed upon them (whether they be material things or non- such as advice, help, insight....).

Maybe it was a question of whether they were worthy of me.

But then, a long long time ago, I lost sight of my own self-worth. And I still struggle with that to this day. Now the question arises: am I worthy of my friends? Am I?

How can I gauge such a thing? From the inside I can barely see over the counter top to the other side, where my worth is sitting on a scale. I wonder what it weighs....

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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