Soltera = Soul Tierra

2004-09-10 @ 10:28 a.m.....

I feel so alone in this world. Like the only lonely one walking the earth. One set of footprints. No hand to hold. No shoulders to lean on.

The name Soltera means just that. I am but a single girl in this crazy world. Going at it alone.

Soul Tierra, is like my ornate incarnation of Soltera, I like to play with words, but I like simplicity too. Soltera captures it all without having to describe too much.

and i like how it complements my name.

Sometimes I think my name is the perfect description of what I'll never be, never see, never do. Like, in naming me, my own mother propheticized that I would be nothing, no one, no where near as great as the mountain namesake.

I make up things to make up for that.

I tell people my name and then i pretend it's all much more simple than it really is..

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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