
2004-09-29 @ 5:02 p.m.....

i want my "boyfriend" to grow up.

he just left for the navy today. missed his bus. had no cash. got all teary-eyed and sad b/c he kept fuckin up.

i told him, you gotta do things for delf. no one else is gonna do them for you.

and then i find out his cell phone ran out of batteries and he's getting into the bus station after hours and he has no way of catchin a cab to the base.


so i have to bail his ass out one mo' gin.


where and why? where do they come from and why do they gravitate toward me??

I have always been the baby in my family - for 20-some years. and yet, i'm the most independent person i know.

here he is, the oldest of 3 and he can't even take a shit without telling me.

i know this might be TMI for the average person. but it's on my mind and this is my gotdamn journal i created so i could vent these incoherent/herent thoughts that i can't express to my friends and family and other random peeps that be reading my other "hot" journal.

i keep referring to that. perhaps it's coz i'm proud of it.

there. i said it.

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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