looks, books

2004-11-22 @ 3:32 p.m.....

i went to a church bizarre this weekend and there were all these donated books for like 10-25 cents each.

i. went. crazy!!!!

i love books anyway, but these were like, collector's editions, with little cases holding the hardcovers and some of the greatest things ever written.

i couldn't even carry everything i wanted home. thank goodness i only had $1.50 on me in change at the time. it curbed me from buying 2 copies of Cellestine Prophecy (which i've already read twice), 2 copies of Our Bodies, Ourselves (i just stuck with the updated version).... i also wasn't swayed to buy Thomas Jefferson's Memoirs, an entire set of T.S. Eliot's poetry, or JFK and LBJ, although i'm sure i would have been happy taking all of that home.

i squoze my new books into my already jam-packed bookshelf haphazardly..... waiting for the faux-wood to collapse any day now.

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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