
2005-09-22 @ 1:46 a.m.....

when was the first time you thought about infinity? was it a thought or did you see something that triggered the idea? have you ever tried to see it? touch it? find it??

when was the first time you reflected a reflection? did you ever stop wondering when you would get to the end? what about the opposite: you see the images getting smaller and smaller, but what if you yourself were just a reflection in someone else's mirror?

what if all of this is a drop in the bucket?

i'm not getting all nihilistic (fatalistic?) on you, but i have been thinking a lot about perceptions lately, what you see vs. what you get and who what when where why. too much time on my hands, not enough motivation to channel the excess energy into something productive.

no matter how much i stare in a mirror, i don't connect with what i see. no matter how many conversations i have with myself, i'm still a stranger. no matter how still i am. no matter how quiet. no matter how still.

i think that the times i discovered the most about myself were the times i learned from other people. that's why it intrigues me so much to find out what people's perceptions are. of me.

it would be so much easier. to be. invisible.

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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