
2005-10-31 @ 3:27 p.m.....

aight, you got me.

A--, I love you. Okay? I really do.

I just don't wanna be telling you all the time. I don't want to have to remind you.

I don't want to be misunderstood.

I love you in my own little way.

It may be crazy. I may be heading for a breakdown.

I may need to be institutionalized for loving you.

It goes against all gotdamn reason. I can't find a moment of clarity in all of this. But the one thing I can't deny is that there is this unbelievable force within me that won't stop pouring out love for you.

no matter how. hard. i. try. to make sense of it and/or quit. i can't.

no matter how many times i try to bring myself back to The Facts, they sit there laughing at me as i blatantly ignore the conclusion.

this is not fairy tale love. this is not story book happy ending love. this is low-down, nitty gritty, to the core love.

and i can't shake it.

i never knew there was a love like this before. there's no twinkling stars, no birds chirping, no springtime flowers and sweet smells, no endless river of chocolate. there's no romance, no bustier, no stockings, no chivalry.

there's just. plain. love.

rock-solid. unshakeable love.

fuckin L.O.V.E. Love.

fuckin unstoppable.







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