soy yo yo soy so yes

2006-04-20 @ 10:43 a.m.....

the other day i had an epiphany that led me to revisit the person that i thought i was in the beginning.

revisit and revise.

what i've realized is that i've based how i identify myself with how i appear on a lie.

what i am is not what i am. but what i am is not quite:

i am not quite beautiful.

i am not quite tall.

i am not quite thin.

my hair is not quite curly, not quite straight. it's not quite blonde.

my eyes are not quite green, not quite gray.

i am this scared little girl who feels naked when my flaws are pointed out to me. when all of my not quites are on display, i feel so vulnerable. that's why i created a mask.

what had happened was.... ~ ....what comes next?

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